"Madd Style Cosmetix"
The first time I heard the name, I thought, "Sounds interesting." I checked it out and when I saw the pictures, I thought, "Right up my alley." Several friends of mine use Madd Style Cosmetix and the line has developed one hell of a following. Many of MSC's users swears by it. So I thought, "Why not?" I took to Mo's (the owner) webpage (she used to sell on www.etsy.com but has since moved to www.artfire.com. I will include the link down below at the end of this review.)
The set up of her virtual shop is very neat and organized, her personality exuding through every aspect of the page. Near the top she has a "Featured Items" tool bar set up for new promotional items, Color of the Week and special deals such as 5 shadows for $20.
She has her information set up for everyone to see including what ingredients are used as well as what is not used and whether they're Vegan or not. (Miss Mo's products are all vegan FYI.Yay for Vegan Piggiez!! lol)
She also has a set up on the right side of her webpage categorizing her products by color, making it easier to find what you're looking for.
Upon looking at her products, I saw the awesome "Rock Star" flare showing through from her product presentation to the names. When clicking on any particular shadow that catches your eye, she also has swatches provided to show a consumer what it will look like on the skin and/or closeups as well as a product description for those who want to know what they're buying.
Each shadow sells for $5.00 plus an initial $2.00 for shipping and then an extra 25 cents for each product ordered thereafter.
After searching through her bountiful selection of pigments, I (barely since many of them looked so AWESOME) managed to select 8 different shadows to buy.
The shipping took a little over a week, something Mo has put on her page. She works alone and ships every Wednesday so if you want to get an order in, make sure you do it before Wednesday.
So anyway, these are the 8 pigments I ordered:
- Spooky Girl
- Ecto Cooler
- Silver Haze
- Kitty Wumpous
- Glitter & Doom
- Glitter Bitches
- Outlaw Star
- Trashed
After waiting, impatiently as always, my order came in a yellow mailing envelope and my shadows safely packed and neatly placed inside. I immediately opened them and began looking at my lovely sparklies. I loved the packaging of the shadows instantly. The pigments come in 5 gram sifter jars and are filled to the brim. On the lid is her signature zebra print and pink diamond with crossbones.
on the back is the names of the pigments.

You know what comes next...
(Dry/Wet in artificial light)
close ups in same order of list and swatches:
Spooky Girl

Ecto Cooler

Silver Haze

Kitty Wumpous

Glitter & Doom

Glitter Bitches (which i forgot to take a close up picture of, but it is swatched on my arm above.)
Outlaw Star
Now, since I bought so many shadows, I will only review 3 of my absolute favorites from this batch of shadows.
First up is Outlaw Star.
I'm a sucker for hot pink. I have more than one type of hot pink lipstick and it is fast becoming true in regards to my shadows. Outlaw Star is a deep metallic pink that especially shows through when applied wet. I love the glint and gleam of it against my skin tone and it's just an all out fun color to own.
Next is Thrashed.
Thrashed is an amazing green/yellow metallic duo chrome that changes from an interesting pea green (who'd have thought?) to a deeper shade of the same green but with a golden sheen to it. Another fun color to own and from what I've seen on many of the women who use MSC, it works on many skin tones. Always a plus. As of right now, the pigment doesn't look like it's for sale on MSC's website but maybe it will come back at a later date.
Last is Silver Haze.
I love this color because it is a shimmery pastel that shows up white with a hint of green on the skin. But when applied wet, it turns to a translucent jade color that shimmers very nicely on the lid.
All in all, I love this product as well as the lady who runs this neat little independent cosmetic line. Since buying this first batch, I have bought 10 samples pigments as well as several 5 gram jars more bringing my collection of Madd Style Cosmetix to a whopping 21 shadows. (My collection has nothing on several of my friends collections. LOL) I've also spoken to Mo several times via Facebook and she is, without a doubt, one of the sweetest and sassiest chicks I've ever met... on the internet. LOL.
You can check out her web page at: http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/studio/MaddStyle
You can also check her out on Facebook, Youtube and Blogger.
Blogger: http://maddstylezz.blogspot.com/
Hope you enjoyed this review!!!