Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Facial Primers at Drugstore Prices
i'm sure you've heard this term before, but what you need is FACE PRIMER. like the primer before a paint job, you need a primer before your make up application.
but make up primer can get pretty expensive. so here are some cheap drugstore options for those who are in a pinch but still want that freshly applied look even 6 hours into the day!
after doing a couple hours of research, these are the two i've come up with and am now sharing it with you. :)
(i've included the references and reviews i researched just in case you don't believe me, lol)
there are also a ton of reviews on YouTube singing praise to this particular "primer". here's one:
this is another video on comparisons between your brand name primers and your drugstore "primers"... very informative!
i have used this as a primer myself, having oily skin, and it does work! it also helps a lot with those of you who have acne prone skin. i've also used this as a mask at night to help clear up any oncoming pimples that i really do seem to get over night. i do recommend this to be used sparingly because it can over dry your skin.
references and reviews:
all right, so here you go! hope you enjoyed this Beauty Tip of the Week!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
TKB Trading Haul/Review
after her visit, i went home and checked out the site. it is called TKB Trading and has been around since the early 90's. my friend, who works in the shipping department, told me how far their business ranges all over the world, all the way from here to Australia.
the site is extremely user friendly and easy to navigate. there are a variety of things to take a look at from DIY mineral make up kits, to ready made eyeshadows, lipsticks, bath salts and dyes, etc. since my main attraction was the make up, i immediately maneuvered myself over the "Colored Micas" under the makeup tab. they have over 200 different eyeshadows, ranging from vibrant to muted shimmers, and enough sparkles to assuage any make up junkies next fix. after poring through the pages and pages of colored shadows, i finally came up with 14 shadows that i decided i had to have. TKBs Pop! Collection in Raspberry Pop, Strawberry Pop, Tangerine Pop, Lemon Drop Pop, Apple Green Pop, Blueberry Pop and Grape Pop. Then some metallic as well as some soft shimmers in Crucible Gold, Crucible Red, Sagittaire Mica, China Jade, Smokey XXX, Copper Basics and a beautiful brown red shadow with blue interference called Chameleon Fine.

14 shadows for only -get this- $1.50 per sample. and each sample consists of about 1 full tablespoon (approx. 15 grams)! shipping was only $3.25 and it took 4 days from when i initially placed my order. so for loads of product, cheap AND fast shipping, i only spent a little less than $25.00! sounds almost too good to be true, right? well, yeah, it does. there had to be something that wasn't adding up. so, naturally came the next question, "how does it show up on the skin?"
being a darker skinned girl, i usually have issues with shadows that aren't as vibrant on my skin as i'd like them to be without some kind of mixing medium. especially those that are yellow and purple based shadows. so i did what any make up junkie would do.
First up: Raspberry Pop, Strawberry Pop, Lemon Drop Pop and Grape Pop.
Dry w/ flash:
Wet (using MAC's Studio Fix +) w/ flash:
Next: Apple Green Pop, Blueberry Pop, Chameleon Fine, Smokey XXX and Sagittaire
Dry w/ flash:
Wet (using MAC's SF+) w/ flash:
Last: Crucible Gold, Copper Basics, Crucible Red, China Jade and Patagonia Purple (the sample given to me by my dear friend, Nancy!)
Dry w/ flash:
Wet (using MACs SF+) w/ flash:
As you can see, the color pay off is really good, especially foiled using Studio Fix + or any other type of mixing medium.
I also wondered about durability, so I decided to try out one of the shadows to a reception I was attending this past weekend. I chose Copper Basics for my eyeshadow over Urban Decay's Primer Potion and using MAC's Studio Fix + to set it.
Beginning of the night (please don't mind the wolf-woman brows, lol):
Copper Basics on lid, Urban Decay's Smog and Grifter in crease and Sin on brow bone.
I love how the copper shows up so vibrantly on my skin. so far so good!
End of the night after dancing and partying hard with my friends:
as you can see, the shadow stayed in place very nicely even though i'd sweat underneath it from all the dancing i had been doing. if anything, the only issue was my eyeliner which had run slightly into the corners of my eyes. there was minimal creasing and it was still as vibrant as when i'd walked out of the house some 8 hours earlier. the shadow was also very easy to remove with some make up remover wipes and didn't leave any stains or irritation.
so i can easily say that i am very pleased with this product and will more than likely be shopping at this site again!
Thanks for the heads up, Nancy!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Looking Good at Discount Prices

my favorite past time. and in all honesty, it's WAAAAAAAAYY too long since I've indulged in my favorite past time. let's face it, times are hard, and they only seem to be getting harder. there was a time when we were able to go on mini to large shopping sprees, but these days...
luckily for those of us in need of retail therapy, there are plenty of thrift/consignment/discount shops/outlets/stores. i call shopping sprees in these stores "indoor scavenger hunts". LOL. Ross, Marshall's and TJ Maxx are few of these stores. Even going to your local secondhand store like Goodwill can lead to unknown and unclaimed goodies. need new shoes? Payless. BoGo's are AWESOME!!! These are several stores that most people know about. but what if you can't make it out to these stores?
Not to worry. I called upon the lovely ladies in my "Special Interest" (ok, makeup... duh! lol) groups to give me some websites from which they acquire their lovely sparklies as well as apparrel and accesories. and so i am passing it on to you. consider this a resource for "Online Thrift Store Shopping."
Make Up (you know this one had to go first.)
now, for many women that I know, make up is a big deal. most men will never, NEVER, NEVER understand our total obsession/infatuation with the wonderful thing that is MAKEUP. (if i could make the word sparkle, i would!) but let's face it, it gets expensive. but, as the saying goes, "you get what you pay for." thankfully, there are several websites you can go to that sell brand name makeup at wholesale or discount prices. Thank God for that!
Wholesale/Discount Makeup Websites
Do-It-Yourself Mineral Make Up/Bath Products
- (also sells bath stuff for you clean people)
- (more bath products sold here too)
- (more bath/bathroom products)
other affordable make sites
Makeup Brushes
Swaps and Sample Sites
also, don't discount shopping on online auction sites such as Ebay and Amazon. is also a great place to look for cosmetics as well as handmade items, purses, bath bombs, jewelry, etc. these are great one-stop-shops!
so you may not be a makeup whore like i am, but hey, even a makeup whore needs new clothes! i've checked out some of these sites and it makes me wish i could go shopping even more. (alas, to live on a student budget. LOL) but even so, i share them with you.
there's something about a new purse or handbag that makes a woman squeal with joy. but sometimes, that new item (especially that new purse) can rip your pocket in half. these are some sites worth looking into for your shoe fetish or handbag fix
- (they also sell purses and jewelry at a fixed rate as well as no shipping fees)
- (YES! that one from the movie "Sex and the City"! it's real!)
another tip for you, sign up for newsletters from your favorite makeup/shoe/apparel sites. a lot of times they'll send you email notifications alerting you of new sales or products. many even offer discount/coupons for shopping.
well, that's all i got. but if you know any, drop me a line in my comment boxes. lets share the happiness that is retail consumption.
(note* though i am providing these websites for shopping purpose, I am not in any way advocating or encouraging you to blow all your hard earned cash on these sites to the point that your family might suffer. please use caution when going on shopping binges and remember what is most important be it your family, house, car, dog, whatever. now with that said... browse away.)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
First Impressions

Saturday, June 5, 2010
*update on my DECISION*
i'm staying in Cosmetology. after talking to a lot of people. hearing their advice and talking to my husband (and the advice received was all across the board from pursue the Estheticians course to stay in Cosmetology), i figured out that Cosmetology is NOT that bad. i'm good at everything i do, with the exception of learning the more complicated aspects f course.
i've talked to my instructors, and they've assured me that hair cutting isn't something you pick up right away in beauty school. sometimes it takes years to perfect it. now that sounds a little dismaying, but i choose to look at it as something that i will have as a challenge.
hair cuts are so technical and so many steps have to be followed to attain a certain cut, but then it gets blown out of the water with all the advanced hair cutting techniques that have been coming out in the last few years. sometimes i i want to just take my shears and chop off a chunk of my doll head's hair and say, "THERE!" and knowing the avant garde artists out there... they'd probably buy it. LOL
and as far as nails... nope. still don't like it. hahahahaha
but anyway, i'm simply saying that i've come this far. i need to continue to push myself to succeed. it will all be a struggle but it will also be worth it all in the end.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
*Update On Competition *
All I can say is that it's a bit ironic that I wrote a blog about not giving up and keeping on with the keep on, even when rejection is the outcome. And to be honest, my initial reaction was... "Dang... (insert sad face here.)"
I don't mean to sound like a poor sport (though I probably do), but I know that many people have probably felt the same way I do when they put a whole lot of effort into something only to get shot down. But that's what this industry is. Competition and the drive to be the best. I can only be the best with what i know and what I've been given.
I know i won't mope for long though. I'll simply congratulate the winners, prepare for the next one and move on. This is just a little bump in the road to success. I just gotta brush it off and keep moving.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Being a "Yes" Girl in a "No" World
something i have come to experience in my short career (so far) as a freelance makeup artist, is the abundance of "NO"s in my line of work. so many times I've heard this one syllable word and yet, it causes so much grief. especially where money is involved. And let me tell you, it can seriously cause a person to wonder whether or not their services are really that invaluable to others.
i get it though, times are hard. it's not necessarily me. it's just that people want the best for their money. and being self-employed (and HONEST), i wish to provide the best of my services for the best price. but like i said, sometimes hearing "No" all the time can put a damper on the fire that fuels the passion.
but it doesn't mean to quit. simply because you hear "No" a lot, doesn't mean that you aren't as good as you may have thought you were. (It doesn't mean that people are moochers either, mind you.) you might just be as great as the next person out there, but in many cases, dues must be paid. we still have to prove our worth. but with the "No's comes the motivation to be better at what we do. to improve constantly. without the "No"s we would stay where we are without any reason to pursue greatness in any line of work.
unfortunately, the down-side of being a yes girl is the inability to really know what boundaries should be applied. i think in the beginning of starting a career, many (uneducated) business-person's don't know what lines should be created to keep professionalism, as well as safety and integrity between all parties involved. this is definitely not one of my strongest suits, so I've had to create several rules and reminders for myself to make sure that not only do i get screwed (for lack of a better word) but neither does a possible client...
Rule/Reminder #1: "No" doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't good enough. There are unseen circumstances that prevent a client from doing business with you.
Rule/Reminder #2: Unless they are absolutely trustworthy, try not to work with close family/church members or friends. it's sad that this has to be said, but here it is. sometimes it's better to keep business separate from people that come into your personal life. if a fall out should happen, it would only cause awkwardness and resentment between people who should love each other regardless.
Rule/Reminder #3: Stand firm in your policies/rules. Your business shouldn't be a negotiation. Not everyone is going to agree with your methods, but at the end of the day, it's YOUR business. not THEIRS.
Rule/Reminder #4: Do not allow yourself to be bullied or hard-balled. This follows very close to Rule/Reminder #3. Being assertive is the best way to handle would-be bullies. don't let their foolishness dictate how you run your business. i always believed that a negative person attracts negativity and more than likely are, you wouldn't want these types of people or those of consort with them as part of your clientele anyway.
I'm sure there will be plenty more rules and reminders that i will have to add as the years go by that i stay in this business. but for now, this is what i have.
my point being: don't let other's "No"s take away the possibilities of your "Yes". keep on pushing and don't give up.

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Wizard of Oz Inspired Make Up
Concept Art

Creative Make Up Contest Entry

i find out next week whether i place or not. my competition so far is a girl and her team who did Avatar which was pretty flippin' dope if i say so myself. so, we'll see.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
At A Crossroads...
now for those who DO know... I am a free lance MUA. and it is my PASSION! all my best ideas where any type of creativity is involved has to do with make up. i get excited when i hear there is a competition and it allows me to express myself in my farvorite artform. i honestly know that i can see myself in this career for the rest of my life.
now the crossroads...
i'm trying to figure out whether i should switch from Cosmetology to Esthetics (the study of the face and make up). i figure skin goes hand in hand with make up so... pretty easy choice, right? wrong.
i'm hesitant to switch from Cosmo to Esthi for a few simple/complicated reasons.
1. i'm already 5 months into Cosmetology with 8 more months to go
2. i've put my family on hold so that i can pursue this dream of mine to go into the beauty industry.
3. i'm worried about what this might do to us financially.
i feel like i'm in a bind. trying to figure out the right way to go about this.
*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggghhhh* oh the things i have to think about. we'll see what the outcome of my decision is within a week. that's the time limit i'm giving myself... *sigh* yes. we shall have to see...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Winged Tips & Red Lips Tutorial
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Passion Stirs Drive, Love Stirs Perseverance
I want to be a Make Up Artist. :) i can do hair for the most part, but i truly, truly want to be a makeup artist. my friends and classmates always ask if i want to become a platform artist, or tell me i should move to LA or NY... one has even suggested i start my own make up line. that would be SOOOOOO cool...
i've always felt like I'm a hometown kinda girl. i'm not disregarding the possibility to moving somewhere different and moving up in the MUA world. but i just think that right now, home is where i'd be best to stay... for now.
my dream to become a MUA was something that kinda fell into my lap. and it has really only been a couple years since i really immersed myself into making this a career. it started with playing with eyeshadows and being invited to make up groups. then it went to trying out different looks and posting in group forums or watching YouTube tutorials (btw, Kandee Johnson, you ARE inspiring!!!). then doing some of my friends make up, to doing other people's make up, and now doing photoshoots and brides and other gigs. its all taking off so fast for me that it's overwhelming! but i'm loving every minute of this fast paced journey!
no one has really asked me why i wanted to become a MUA. but i've always known deep inside why i did... my personal "mission statement" is to make everyday, ordinary women feel beautiful, sexy and confident. it amazes me everytime i get done doing someones face, the transformation, not only in their appearance, but in their confidence level as well. women want to feel beautiful, and it's so fulfilling to bring that happy smile to their face when i help them achieve that simple goal...
:) <----- i love that i can make someone do that with a small brush stroke or a pretty pallet.
but yes... i guess this will be the start of my journey. things i've learned, things i experience, things i love... i can't wait to see where this road takes me!